Endlessly Now Podcast

by Zachar

On January 6th 2021, stuck in quarantine like millions of people all over the world, I uploaded the first episode of my new podcast called, “Endlessly Now.” It was meant to be a sister project of this website. A few hours after uploading the podcast I watched delusional masqueraders storm the Congress in what was clearly an attempted bloody coup for Donald Trump. I made one more episode the next week but put the project on hold until I felt like I could contribute something positive in the madness of the 2020s.

edit: I have since deleted the first two episodes from 2021 in the reboot of the series.

I’m happy to say that the Endlessly Now podcast is finally back to life, this time as an interview series. In the new first episode, I interviewed a Nigerian man named Ugu.

Ugu from Nigeria was more or less a stranger to me, until I interviewed him. His answers were thoughtful, sometimes humorous, and always and thought provoking. This is the first episode of the revived Endlessly Now series in which I ask strangers a set of 23 questions to get to know them and humanity better. The interview was conducted in my apartment in Lebanon.

You can find “Endlessly Now” through any podcast app. For this interview, remember that it’s Episode 1.

Here’s a Spotify link, but you can find it on any other podcast app as well : https://open.spotify.com/episode/05YZhzJf3HCiEFO3Tu2HJj?si=bb019e3ab58042ba

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