Endlessly Now : Neighborhood Memories

I wanted to mix things up a little for the fifth episode of Endlessly Now. Usually in this series I focus on the person, not where they’re from. However, in this episode I wanted to focus on exactly where my interviewees were from – all the way down to the neighborhood level.

I asked 10 people from all over the world to tell stories about their neighborhood growing up. Their answers were gold. If there’s anything I learned from these interviews, it’s that every child loves to climb.

It’s now the fifth episode of the Endlessly Now podcast! This is a podcast in which I ask strangers questions to get to know them and humanity better. You can find Endlessly Now on any podcast app. Neighborhood Memories is Episode 5.

This is a link that uses the Spotify website/app, but you can listen and subscribe to Endlessly Now on any podcast app : https://open.spotify.com/episode/1SjbXsRJwpX1LmGgsTvHm6?si=c91dfa2fc4ab44d6

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