Endlessly Now : Victoria from Nigeria

I’d seen Victoria once or twice in passing since we live in the same apartment building. She seemed like an interesting person and I thought she would be a great interviewee. I originally thought I’d interview her for the “Neighborhood Memories” episode, but once we sat down, she seemed more interested in a longer interview. Not wanting a conflict with fate, I pulled out my computer and we began the interview.

Victoria is younger than a normal candidate for an interviewee of this podcast, but her insight into deeper parts of life were worth her exception. 

We’re already at the 6th interview of the Endlessly Now podcast! This is a podcast in which I ask strangers a set of approximately 20 questions to get to know them and humanity better. You can find Endlessly Now on any podcast app.

This is a link that uses the Spotify website/app, but you can listen and subscribe to Endlessly Now on any podcast app : https://open.spotify.com/episode/5x5PzLynsRDPH5BjxXvmRW?si=5d2e21ce30874a47

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