
Baghdad to Mars can have different interpretations. Baghdad is the starting point of civilization. It is also the heart of our times. It is our reality built upon a mountain of endless centuries. Mars, the god of war, looms above. But Mars is also our future. It is our hope. It is the next land for humanity to conquer. Can we conquer war? While humanity is building missiles that can take us backwards, we are also building rockets that can take us into the future.

This magazine is a look at the world through a lens that considers the world to be ours. It is our world after all. The following articles will examine Baghdad, Mars, and the space in between with both reason and emotion. Most of all, Baghdad to Mars will take into account the complexity of humanity in this mysterious era that we find ourselves in.

Who we are.

Zachariah: writer Born in America and been living and travelling abroad since 2015, mostly in the Middle East and post-Communist countries.

Salam: writer A woman who will not set limits for her dreams, aspirations and goals, just because of a war that forced the title “refugee” on her.

.إمرأة لن ترسم حدوداً لأحلامها، طموحاتها وأهدافها. بسبب حربٍ أجبرتها أن تسمى لاجئة

Paulina: editor Passport reads “German-American” but her heart is international. Living with the notion to always assume the person you talk to knows something you don’t.

Farah: Makes coffee and asks questions.